Stay Connected With WESTconsin
Showing 21-24 of 24 Results for the Our Stories category
WESTconsin Credit Union | Communities
"I was quickly introduced to our commitment to quality service and again, it was much more powerful than words on a page. I quickly found myself marching in a parade, proudly wearing a WESTconsin t-shirt, in order to show support of the Menomonie High School, because that's just what we do." -Jennifer Rathke
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WESTconsin Credit Union | One Member at a Time
"Our newest employees have the opportunity to become familiar with our values, and how we put them into practice for our members from the very first day of orientation. We celebrate each other's successes and hold one another accountable for delivering one-of-a-kind service to our members." —Kyrah Klika
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WESTconsin Credit Union | Service
"Creating positive change in member experience, for team members and our communities, where does it come from? EVERYWHERE! I am lucky to work for a great organization that truly believes in helping everyone around them." —John Grape
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WESTconsin Credit Union | Financial Services
"We help change our member's lives by the Financial Services we can provide. And that makes me feel great when I leave work every day, knowing that I have helped our members prepare and protect themselves for times of financial hardship." —Eric Nielsen
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